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Changdeokgung Palace Complex (In Seoul)

Changdeokgung Palace Complex 

【 Photo: Injeongjeon Hall in Changdeokgung Palace 】

Location Jongno-gu, Seoul Description Changdeokgung Palace is a palace of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), built in harmony with the natural environment around it. The palace is famous for its rear garden, also called Huwon.
The vast garden was a resting place for the royal family and is beautifully landscaped in a way that held on to the original nature of the space. Of all the royal palaces, Changdeokgung Palace is the most well-preserved to this day, showcasing the creativity of Korean palace construction through the combination of buildings and nature. In harmony with the trees, ponds, pavilions and flower gardens, the palaces main structures include Injeongmun Gate, Injeongjeon Hall, Huijeongdang Hall, Daejojeon Hall, Buyongji Pond, Nakseonjae Hall and Donhwamun Gate, exist in harmony with the natural environment.
Major Heritage Sites Injeongmun GateInside view of Injeongjeon Hall

【 Photo: Injeongmun Gate / Inside view of Injeongjeon Hall 】

Injeongmun Gate is the main gate leading into Changdeokgung Palace and its courtyard where Injeongjeon Hall is located. With a name meaning “benevolent rule,” Injeonjeon Hall was used for matters relating to the king’s ruling of the nation, and was used for conducting state affairs, including the coronation of a new king and prince, and royal weddings. Therefore this hall is by far the most important of all the buildings in Changdeokgung Palace. Daejojeon HallHuwon Garden

【 Photo: Daejojeon Hall / Huwon Garden 】

Daejojeon Hall, the residence of the queen, was built with Western features, including a narrow wooden veranda, glass windows, and furniture. This modern interior design makes Daejojeon Hall unique among palace buildings. The royal garden is located in the northern section of Changdeokgung Palace. Serving in various ways depending on the circumstances, Huwon Garden was most often used as a resting space for the king. The garden is home to trees planted hundreds of years ago, and small pavilions and fountains complete the traditional Korean style garden. In order to preserve the historical integrity of the Huwon, visitors must sign-up for a guided palace tour in advance.

Nearby Attractions

Bukchon Hanok Village
Samcheongdong-gil Road
Gwanghwamun Gate
Cheonggyecheon Stream
Naksan Park
Website: (Korean, English)
1330 Korea Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)


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