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[매일아침좋은글] 탈무드의 인맥관리 명언 15가지

1. 지금 힘이 없는 사람이라고 우습게 보지마라. 나중에 큰 코 다친다.   2. 평소에 잘해라. 평소에 쌓아둔 공덕은 위기때 빛을 발휘한다.   3. 내 밥값은 내가 내고 남의 밥값도 내가 내라.   4. 고마우면 고맙다고, 미안하면 미안하다고 큰 소리로 말해라.   5. 남을 도와줄때는 화끈하게 도와줘라.   6. 남의 험담을 하지마라. 그럴 시간에 팔굽혀 펴기나 해라.   7. 우물 안 개구리가 되지 말고, 나가서 다른 사람들도 많이 사귀어라.   8. 불필요한 논쟁을 하지말아라.   9. 회사돈이라고 함부로 쓰지 마라 사실은 모두가 보고있다.   10. 가능한 옷을 잘 입으라, 외모는 생각보다 중요하다.   11. 수입의 1% 이상은 기부하라. 마음이 넉넉해지면 얼굴이 피어난다.   12. 남을 비판하기 전에 당신의 모습을 먼저 떠올려라.   13. 조의금은 많이내라. 부모를 잃은 사람은 이 세상에서 가장 슬픈 사람이다.   14. 경비원아저씨, 청소부 아주머니에게 잘 보여라. 정보의 발신지이자 소문의 근원지일 뿐만아니라 당신 부모의 또다른 모습이다.   15. 옛 친구들을 챙겨라. 지금 가지고 있는 최고의 재산을 소홀히 하지 마라.   ◈매일아침 좋은 글 더보기◈ ※좋은글은 좋은 사람들과 함께  마음을 나누세요※ 매일아침 행복 소식 받기 ☞ ☞ 매일아침 네이버 밴드 소식받기 ☞ 매일아침 카카오스토리 소식받기 ☞  https://st...

[POSITIVE THINK] When Someone Hurts You Remember One Day They Will Hurt Too

Everyone who has ever hurt you, betrayed you or caused you pain, will one day face the same kind of pain and heartache too. One day, the universe will turn on them, just as they had turned on you. This isn’t about karma. This is the truth behind being human. We all suffer. Some us, perhaps more than others and that may seem unfair, but life has a way of making us all struggle at a point we least expect it. One day, everything feels like it’s going great and suddenly, three things go wrong all at once. And you’re plunged into despair and sadness and heartbreak and going through all 5 stages of grief. The struggle with suffering through something is being rational about it. When another human being is the cause, all we want is revenge. We want to hurt them. We want to cause them pain, the kind of pain that they have caused us. We wait for the universe for turn on them, we wait on some form of vindication, our teeth clenched around the word revenge like a dog with a bone. And when...

[POSITIVE THINK] Cheating Husband Wants A Divorce But the Heartbroken Wi...

I got home one night and, as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, “I want a divorce.” She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words. Instead, she softly asked me why. I avoided the question, and this made her angry. She threw down the chopsticks and shouted, “You are not a man!” We didn’t talk to each other that night. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage, but I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn’t love her anymore. I just pitied her! With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement stating that she could keep the house, the car, and a 30% share of my company. She glanced at it and tore it to pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy, but I could not take back what I had said. She finally cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see in the first place, and ...

[POSITIVE THINK]Teacher Always Had To Tell This Boy To Be Quiet..

He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful. Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving — “Thank you for correcting me, Sister!” I didn’t know what to make of it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day. One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice teacher’s mistake. I looked at Mark and said, "If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!” It wasn’t ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, “Mark is talking again.” I hadn’t asked any of the students to h...

[POSITIVE THINK] Bond of Love and the Truth

Bond of Love and the Truth A very loving couple had been married for over 10 years without any child and it was becoming their 11th year.  Steve and Sarah stayed with each other and greatly hoped that they will have a child before their 11th year of marriage runs out because they were under persuasion from friends and family members to get a divorce.  But they couldn’t let go because of the strong bond of love between them.  Months passed and one day, while Dave was returning from work, he saw his wife walking down the road with a man. Months passed and one day, while Dave was returning from work, he saw his wife walking down the road with a man.  The man had his arms around her neck and they looked very happy.  For over a week, he saw the same man with his wife at various places and one evening while Dave was returning from work he saw the man drop her off at the house after giving her a kiss on the cheek.  Dave was angry and sad but he didn’t spoke...

[POSITIVE THINK] The Hotel Clerk

One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia, USA. Trying to get out of the rain, the couple approached the front desk hoping to get some shelter for the night. “Could you possibly give us a room here?” – the husband asked. The clerk, a friendly man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said. “But I can’t send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o’clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite, but it will be good enough to make you folks comfortable for the night.” When the couple declined, the young man pressed on. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll make out just fine,” the clerk told them. So the couple agreed. As he paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, “You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hot...

[POSITIVE THINK] 11 Things Every Woman Should Know

11 Things Every Woman Should Know 1.) Everyone has some rolls when they bend over. Love your body. 2.) Showing your emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness. 3.) Seek respect not attention. It lasts longer. 4.) Even the most beautiful people wake up with bed head. 5.) You should be a priority. Not an option or a backup plan. 6.) For every woman who wishes they didn’t have a stretch mark, there is a woman who wishes they did. 7.) Always trust your womanly instinct. 8.) We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together. 9.) It’s not how big or clean the house is, it’s how happy the home is. 10.) You are a Goddess. Embrace it! 11.) When someone tells you, “You’re beautiful,” believe them. They mean it.

[POSITIVE THINK] Marrying a person you love or loving the person you marry?

A student ask a teacher, ''Why often people marry a different person then they fell in love with?'' The teacher said: ''In order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and chose the best wheat and come back. But the rule is that you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.'' The student went to the field, went through the first row, he saw one big wheat which he instantly liked, but he wonders that maybe there is a bigger one further. Then he saw another bigger one, but again he thought that maybe there is an even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he started to realize that the wheat is not as big as the ones he let go off, he started to realize that he had missed the best one in the search of a bigger. So, he ended up going back to the teacher with an empty hand because he just wasn't able to forgive himself for letting go of the best wheat and described ...

[Positive Think] Marilyn Monroe- This life is what you make it

[Positive Think] Marilyn Monroe- This life is what you make it

[POSITIVE THINK] An old couple around the age of 70 file a divorce

[POSITIVE THINK] Glass of Milk, Paid in Full

[매일아침좋은글] 말 잘하는 법

말 잘하는 방법  01. 같은 말이라도 때와 장소를 가려라. 이곳에서 노래가 저곳에는 소음이 된다. 02. 이왕이면 다홍치마다. 말에도 온도가 있으니 썰렁한 말 대신 화끈한 말을 써라. 03. 내 하고 싶은 말 대신 그가 듣고 싶은 말을 하라. 모두가 고객이다. 04. 나오는대로 다 말하지 마라. 체로 거르듯 곱게 말해도 불량품이 나오기 마련이다. 05. 상대방 눈을 보며 말하라. 눈을 맞춰야 마음도 맞는다. 06. 풍부한 예화를 들어라. 예화는 말의 맛을 결정하는 조미료이다. 07. 한 번 한 말 두번 하지 마라. 듣는 사람을 지겹게 하려면 그렇게 하라. 08. 일관성있게 말하라. 믿음을 잃으면 진실도 거짓이 되어 버린다. 09. 혼자 말하지 말고 상대방에게도 기회를 주어라. 대화는 일방통행이 아니라 쌍방향이다. 10. 상대방 말을 끝까지 들어라. 말을 자꾸 가로채면 돈 빼앗긴 것보다 더 기분 나쁘다. 11. 내 생각만 옳다고 생각하면 큰 오산이다. 상대방의 의견도 옳다고 받아들여라. 12. 죽는 소리를 하지 마라. 죽는 소리를 하면 천하장사도 살아 남지 못한다. 13. 상대방이 말할 때는 열심히 경청하라. 지방방송은 자신의 무식함을 나타내는 신호다. 14. 불평불만을 입에서 꺼내지 마라. 불평불만은 불운의 동업자다. 15. 재판관이 아니라면 시시비비를 가리려 마라. 옳고 그름은 시간이 판결한다. 16. 눈은 입보다 더 많은 말을 한다. 입으로만 말하지 말고 표정으로도 말을 하라. 17. 조리있게 말하라. 전개가 잘못되면 동쪽이 서쪽된다. 18. 결코 남을 비판하지 말라. 남을 감싸주는 것이 덕망있는 사람의 태도다. 19. 편집하며 말하라. 분위기에 맞게 넣고 빼면 차원높은 예술이 된다. 20. 미운 사람에게는 각별히 대하여라. 각별하게 대해주면 적군도 아군이 된다. 21. 남을 비판하지 마라. 남을 향해 쏘아올린 ...