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Showing posts from June, 2023

Serene Meadow with Drifting Clouds | Relaxing Sleep Music and Nature Sounds

Take some time to reflect on life as you watch the gentle clouds drifting over a serene meadow in this soothing video. This healing video combines nature sounds and sleep music for deep relaxation and a peaceful state of mind. Experience the beauty of nature alongside preset meditation sounds. Join us tonight and sleep soundly with this calming video of a meadow with drifting clouds. 신제품 출시!! 할인중!! 수입차도 OK 알콜냄새 적은 비스타 에탄올 워셔액

Comforting Words for Tough Times: Connect, Share, and Support Each Other

  Even the most challenging moments will eventually pass We all face difficult times and obstacles in life. It's essential to remember that everything eventually passes. No matter how hard things may seem at the moment, life will improve as time goes on. Your worth is not determined by what others think of you Sometimes, we feel hurt because people belittle or disrespect us. It's important to always remember that your value is not defined by others' opinions. You possess your own unique worth. It's okay. You can always start over Realizing that you can calmly start again when facing hardships brings comfort. Despite any difficulties, you always have the ability to rise above and find your footing again. Challenging times make happy moments more beautiful Life patterns often repeat, but it's the challenging times in our lives that make our happy moments that much more beautiful. When the difficulties end and happiness returns, we cherish those moments even mo...

힘든 날, 마음을 따뜻하게 하는 위로의 말들

그냥 이유 없이 힘이 들 때가 있죠.        또한 때로는 온종일 큰 일도 없지만 마음이 무겁고 우울할 때가 있습니다.  이럴 때 꼭 듣고 싶은 위로의 말을 통해 마음을 나누고, 서로를 이해해보려 합니다. "지금 이 순간이 그렇게 어려워도 결국 잘 견뎌낼 거예요." 때로는 우리 모두 어려운 시기와 역경을 겪을 수 있습니다.  그럴 때마다 기억해야 할 것은 결국 모든 것이 지나갈 거라는 사실입니다. 어떤 일이든 힘들어도 지금 이 순간은 견디면 결국 잠시 후에는 훨씬 나아진 삶이 기다릴 것입니다.   "당신의 가치는 다른 사람의 생각에 달려있지 않아요." 가끔 자신을 무시하는 사람들 때문에 힘들어하는 경우가 있습니다.  그러나 항상 기억해야 할 것은 당신의 가치는 타인의 시선에 의해 결정되지 않는다는 사실입니다.  당신은 당신 자신만의 특별한 가치를 가지고 있음을 잊...

Recommended ASMR / Soft Music for Sleeping / Soothing Sounds for Deep Sleep

Music therapy for all insomniacs in the world! ✅ Important The copyright of this video belongs to the channel and unauthorized use is prohibited. If you liked the video, please give us a like, subscribe to the channel, and turn on notifications! #ASMR # MusicForSleeping # SoundsForSleeping # HowToOvercomeInsomnia # HowToSleepWell

친구와 함께 더위 없는 여름 해외 여행 코스 6곳

한국의 여름은 고온과 습도로 인해 무더위가 기승을 부릅니다. 이런 여름철에 해외여행을 계획하신다면, 더위 없는 명소를 찾는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 이 글에서는 더위 없는 여름 해외 여행지 6곳을 소개하고 여행 코스, 추천 팁, 먹거리, 대략적인 여행 경비(2인 기준)를 알려드립니다.   1.일본 삿포로  여행 경비: 1박 2일 기준 700,000원 내외 (2인) 특징: 덥지 않은 날씨와 맛있는 음식, 아름다운 자연  추천 코스: 시계탑, 오도리 공원, 삿포로 맥주 박물관, 정어리 시장  먹거리: 삿포로 라멘, 진짜이 스튜, 가이드 마루  여행 팁: 삿포로 센터펀치 카드를 활용해 대중교통 요금과 관광지 입장료를 절약하세요. 2.스페인 팜플로나 여행 경비: 4박 5일 기준 3,500,000원 내외(2인) 특징: 황소가 거리를 달리는 산 페르미 축제, 웅장한 유적지와 깨끗한 자연 추천 코스: 까렐레 테거, 블레태야 얌빵, 사라예보의 툴 먹거리: 모욱카, 슈퀴아다, 파여야 여행 팁: 산 페르미 축제 기간 동안 호텔 예약과 교통을 미리 확인하세요. 축제에 참가하지 않더라도 분위기를 느낄 수 있습니다. 3.러시아 블라디보스토크 여행 경비: 2박 3일 기준 1,000,000원 내외(2인) 특징: 한국에서 가장 가까운 유럽, 러시아의 역사와 문화, 저렴한 물가로 쇼핑 추천 코스: 이글스 스퀘어, 성 소피아 대성당, 블라디보스토크 성벽 먹거리: 진짜이, 보르쉬, 석로 여행 팁: 블라디보스토크는 러시아 비자가 필요하며, 예산을 절약하기 위해 게스트하우스나 호스텔을 활용하세요.   4.필리핀...

The Ultimate Sleep Healing Video: Watch Before Bed and Wave Goodbye to Insomnia 💤

  This special video is designed to bring healing and improve insomnia for YouTube viewers all around the world. It combines beautiful nature footage with soothing background music and guided meditation, allowing your mind and body to become completely relaxed and take a much-needed break. Just lay down in your bed and play the video right now to experience its amazing effects!

Healing through Sleep Meditation - Deep and Blissful Sleep with Nature Sounds and Birdsong to Overcome Insomnia

This video guides you through a sleep meditation for healing. Relaxing music connects with your body, delivering love and healing energy.  The video features the soothing sounds of nature and birdsong, transporting you to a peaceful and quiet space. It is especially helpful for those experiencing insomnia or sleep disorders. Watch this video before sleep to enjoy a deep and blissful rest.